Michelle Renee Kidwell
8 min readDec 26, 2021


Broken Beginnings: Chapter Thirty Six:

Chapter Thirty Six:

Friday December.13.2018

Therapy thankfully went better today, than it had on Monday, and I was in a better emotional state than I had been on Tuesday. I had good days and bad just like anyone though and I knew that was to be expected. But I knew too that I had what I needed to get through this. G-d has been there for me, and Mother and that helps. I am not going through this alone, and that truly helps, there is no way that I could get through this on my own, having G-d in my life helps, I cannot deny that.

I spent Friday going back and forth from Nadia’s house to my own, she was having a good day, making slow strides but she was making strides and that was a plus, I knew the importance of celebrating even the small victories especially when you have to fight so hard for them. And Nadia was fighting, she was fighting harder than she had ever been.

Thank you G-d for letting Nadia gain the strength she needs, I know she still has a long way to go, but every step forward is a victory, I know that, and I truly believe those victories are meant to be celebrated even when they are small victories, they are hard fought, and I know that it is you who has given us the strength to fight these victories. Nadia could not do this without you, anymore than I can.

“Nadia seems to be having a good day today.” Mom said, offering a smile, as I headed back next door.

“She is, I thought I’d bring…

