Michelle Renee Kidwell
9 min readDec 10, 2019


Broken Beginnings: Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Five:

February 1942:

It’s been bitterly cold, we cannot seem to get warm, so we pile clothes, and the few blankets we have, in the hopes that we would get warm. I try to keep Elizabeth warm and safe, but there are times when we have to go out, when we have to get food, Elizabeth must come too, because it is not safe to leave her at home, nor is it safe to take her out. We have watched as they have shot children for the sport of it, some are good, some will smile kindly at the children, but mostly they look at us, like we are animals, like we are less than human. They think that we have done something wrong, that we are taking up air, that the Aryans should believe. Many simply want to wipe us out, and work us to death before they do, and those who can’t work, those who are different have a horrible fate. That is why I am so afraid for Elizabeth, what happens when they realize that she is not fully there, that there is something wrong with the way she thinks.

I have taught her to walk along, pretending not to see, never looking anyone in the eyes. Even that can be dangerous. I have watched someone shot, simply for walking by a Nazi guard. It is not fair, but it is the way it is, and we cannot do anything about it. We are helpless here, in this walled in prison.

