Hands (Fiction)

Michelle Renee Kidwell
2 min readMay 17, 2024

Small Handsome, Immeasurable Gifs

Photo by Dev Benjamin on Unsplash

Our hands are small, I know

But they’re not yours, they are our own

But they’re not yours, they are my own

And we shall go unbroken

Jewel Kilcher/Patrick Leonard

She had never understood the impact of hands, what they gave and what they took, until one day she was confronted with it; in that moment she saw both the beauty and the depravity of mankind. One day, she saw the beauty in the hands that were not afraid to give, the hands that reached out and helped, the people who were not afraid to give despite pain and danger.

War had shown her the worst in humanity, but it had also shown her the best. It didn’t matter how big or small the hands were, bravery was shown in unexpected ways, by the least expected people!

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

The hands of a nine-year-old girl showed courage that day, a girl who should have been playing with Barbies at that age, but this was not the reality in a war zone. Little girls knew how to apply pressure to bullet wounds, how to make sure everything would be okay, as the consequences of what had happened were all around them. In…

