Michelle Renee Kidwell
10 min readSep 19, 2020


I’ll Stumble, I’ll Fall, I’ll Get Up Again: Chapter Forty:

Chapter Forty:

“Alyssa, are we going to dance again?”

“Of course Ana.” I assured my little sister. I still wasn’t very coordinated, but Ana didn’t care about that.

“Does it hurt Alyssa?”

“Sometimes it does.” I admitted. I knew that Ana could see through anything less than the truth. People had a habit of giving Ana far less credit than she deserved.

“Does it hurt right now Alyssa? Are you sad?”

“I am a little sad, but I’m going to be okay Ana. I have you and Mom, and I’m better now. If they hadn’t taken my leg I could have gotten very sick, because of an infection from the accident.”

“I’m glad you didn’t die Alyssa, I would have been sad and missed you.”

“I’m glad too. I would have missed you too. I want to see you grow up Alyssa, I want to see you grow up, and reach for the stars.”

Ana about plowed me down, when she came to hug me, knocking us both onto the bed. She began laughing and soon I couldn’t help but joining in with her laughter. It felt good just being silly with my little sister , little things like that mattered more when you faced loosing the people that mattered you learned to appreciate the Little things more.

