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I’ll Stumble, I’ll Fall, I’ll Get Up Again: Prologue-Chapter Two (Rewrites)
You’ll get used to it. Honestly, you shouldn’t have to. No one deserves to be treated like a second-class citizen, because you are in a chair.
Yet in some ways I was guilty too, of making assumptions, until life threw me a curveball and now I’m the one sitting down.
I didn’t ask for someone to get behind the wheel drunk, but they did, and I paid the price. But being angry will not change what happened. I will not get up and walk, because I got mad enough. I know that will take faith and work if it’s God’s will. And believe me, I pray about it.
Too much anger can become a stumbling block, and honestly, I’m tired of stumbling.
But I know if I get down every minute of every day, if I only think of the negative, I’ll stumble.
I know that one day, I’ll stand again though, if not here, then when I stand before the creator of the universe, and the wait will be worth it, believe me.
I was angry for a season. Shed plenty of tears. Honestly, sometimes I still do. I’m not some superwoman without feelings, but I am, mostly, happy. This chair will not stop me from living my life. I made that decision early on.