In the Dark of the Night
If we do not learn from our history, we are doomed to repeat it…
In the dark of the night
They knew hell
But in the light of day
It was there too
The smell of flesh burning
Children being murdered
Only shoes left to show
Where a life once was
A child once was.
In the dark of the night
They were starved
Bone thin
Walking out of that place
When Aushwitz was liberated
But so many more
Were burned in those ovens
Worked to deah
And I write these words
Because we must remember
We must not let history
Repeat itself
Yet we are watching the Jewish People
Under attack again
And we must remember
To lift our arms
And voice in prayer
For God’s choosen one’s.
Copyright Michelle R Kidwell
12:00 AM PST
Author’s Comments:
“Reading Night by Elie Wiesel is what inspired this, Elie is an aushtwitz survivor and in his books he is not afraid to go into details. Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself. Elie Wiesel”