Member-only story
Like Letters Written in the Sand Part Forty Four (Revised)
Life is beautiful, there are times when it may seem messy, ugly things may happen, pain, heartbreak, you may wake up fine one day, ready to take on the world, only to find yourself in a hospital room after being hit by a drunken driver, and suddenly you are faced with a new reality. Anna-leis was familiar with this reality. It was a painful experience for her, but out of the chaos and pain came something beautiful, love and family.
Without the support of my faith and Clarence, Annaleis knew it would have been impossible to cope with the reality of being a double amputee without their presence. It was still difficult, but she had been through worse.
She relied on the Lord first and foremost during her time in the hospital and for many weeks and months while recuperating. However, Clarence’s shoulder was the one she leaned on when the going got tougher than she could have imagined. As she grieved for what she had lost, Clarence provided her with a strong arm, he was a source of comfort. Their relationship had been forged in the fire, and it remains strong to this day. She was Clarence’s fairytale princess only a thousand times better than Clarence’s happily ever after.
Although she may no longer have her legs, she still had her faith, her family, Clarence and their daughters, the daughters the…