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Lily Ebert Turned 100
She’s A Beacon of Hope
Lily Ebert was born on December 29, 1923 in Bonyhad, Hungary. Yesterday, she celebrated her 100th birthday with her family and friends.
In 2020 Lily Ebert sought out the family of the American soldier who saved her from a death march in Germany in 2020 it was then her story went viral. Her story still touches millions of lives, thanks in part to her great grandson Dov Forman, who runs her social media and Tik-Tok.
Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert isn’t bitter, she’s a reminder of everything that’s good in the world. In many ways, her story has educated a generation who often don’t know what the Holocaust is, or that there are real Holocaust survivors.
In honor of her 100th book King Charles wrote a tribute letter to this remarkable woman. Her story continues to touch the lives of people daily.
A book co-written by Lily Ebert’s great grandson Dov tells her story. Despite all the bleakness, Lily’s Promise is both heartbreaking and heartwarming, and demonstrates the importance of keeping hope alive.
For those interested in reading her story you can order the book here, definitely worth the read.
Copyright ©️ Michelle R Kidwell