Member-only story
The Gifts I Give them
The Gifts They Give Me
Hannah’s Story Continues
For a time after the accident, I worried that my Sunday School days might be numbered. There were so many questions I had, so much I didn’t know.
Thanks to the good Lord, I am able to do what I love doing, showing children the love of Christ, and reminding them that they too are lights in the dark world. The first Sunday after the accident was difficult for me to sit in front of the children in our Sunday School class, but the children made it easier.
When it comes to those with disabilities, children are less judgmental than adults. They are curious yes, but it is a natural curiosity, and it is much easier to deal with than how most adults treat those of us with disabilities.
It took me a little while for me to accept the fact that an accident left me disabled, and to realize too that didn’t mean my life was over. I am the same person I was before the accident, maybe even a better version of who I was before.
My faith is stronger than ever, because I am leaning more heavily on the Lord than ever before. In spite of the fact that we might not be able to see it in the moment, the good Lord is capable of turning a bad situation into something good by his power.
God certainly wants us to be a light to others, and he wants us to welcome children into our cchurch, just as he welcomed the little ones.
Copyright Michelle R Kidwell