Member-only story
What I've Learned From 2,600+ Stories, and Four Years on Medium
I’ve been on Medium since February of 2018, and I’ve learned somethings along the way, yes consistency is important, but its also okay, to step out of your box.
It’s important to write what ignites a passion in you, because if you’re bored to tears by what your writing then its a pretty good bet your readers will be too.
Your readers are important, read there works too, reciprocation is the name of the game, without them, you will have no success.
The money you make means far less than the connections you make along the way. At least that has been my experience.
It’s been drilled in us to write what we know, but I believe its important to write what you want to learn, its important to grow as a writer.
You’re readers will surprise you, the story, poem or article you are certain will flop may be your best selling piece, and the opposite is true as well.
The Stories that Surprised Me