When Your Questions Have Questions…
I wasn’t even a year old in my walk with Christ, when that rainy February Morning, brought unimaginable tragedy to many lives, and that tragedy reverberates to this day, in such a way it feels as if our questions have questions.
There are things we do know, one of which is Neal and Brenden Abernathy were brutally murdered in their homes, execution style, likely between 3:30 and 5:15 P.M, Brenden was shot first, leaving his dying Fathers last moments with that in his mind, earlier that day Neal had taken Brenden to his Orthodontist appointment, and on the way home they had stopped at Mcdonalds to grab a bite, Brendan’s half drunk soda was left by his computer. It was Neal’s wife and Brendan’s Mother who would walk into their home to found Father, and son, tied together, shot execution style.
Twenty five plus years, and still the why’s and who’s are pure speculation, and as I research, the more I thought I knew, seems to lessen, so much so that it seems my questions have questions.
But no matter who, or why, and lets just say some of the speulations sound like something…